Hackers attack Evraz factories in USA and Canada

As a result, temporary dismissal notices were sent to the workers.

systems at the company were infected with Ryuk ransomware

A cyberattack on Wednesday evening closed the Evraz North America information technology systems in the United States and Canada. According to ZDnet, the company's systems were infected with the Ryuk ransomware virus. The virus paralyzed the North American subsidiaries of the company, primarily affecting steel plants in Canada and the United States. A spokeswoman for Patrick Waldron said: “At the moment, there has been no sign of any violation of confidential or personal information about customers or employees. There is currently no timeline for resolving the situation, but this has affected the internal infrastructure, such as the company's email system. Our IT teams are working to restore these systems as soon as possible.

It seems that some employees at Evraz Steel in Regine will be absenteeism for several days, as the company is trying to cope with the consequences of a cyber attack on the whole continent. The company also confirmed that, as a result, temporary dismissals were issued. EVRAZ employs over 1,400 people in the United States and 1,800 in Canada.

EVRAZ is one of the world's largest transnational vertically integrated steel and mining companies headquartered in London. The company operates mainly in Russia, as well as in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Italy, the Czech Republic, the USA, Canada and South Africa.

Unfortunately, the Ryuk ransomware victim list is very long and includes US government contractor Electronic Warfare Associates, US railroad company Railworks, and a Croatian network of gas stations.

