ASEAN factories raise export prices for billet

The ASEAN billet was ordered at $ 680 per tonne about ten days ago.

ASEAN factories have raised their billet prices after pushing higher prices for China in recent days. They are aiming for an increase of about $ 15-20 per tonne.

Following the closing of the deal on July 14 at $ 705 a ton in China, an Indonesian plant is offering a 150mm three-coil blast furnace billet at $ 720-725 a ton in China.

The Vietnamese plant's offer to supply a 10,000-ton cargo of blast-furnace billets of a similar grade and size to be ready for shipment around mid-August is $ 695 per tonne, or $ 720-725 per tonne in China. On July 14, the Vietnamese mill also sold 20,000 tons of cargo at a price of $ 705-710 per ton in China. Russian billet for September delivery was sold this week for $ 705-710 per ton in China.

A shipment of 30,000 tonnes of Indian billet has recently been closed over the past two days at a price of $ 703-705 per tonne, up from $ 700 per tonne earlier this week. Despite the steady rise in purchasing prices in China, some Chinese trade sources believe that import prices may soon peak. “Markets in the EU and India are slowing down,” says a Chinese trader. The ASEAN billet was ordered at $ 680 per tonne about ten days ago.

